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Investor Relations
The Group will continue to operate in an agile manner to respond proactively to the changing business, environment and regulatory environment. We will continue to invest in technology and enhancing our customers’ experience in order to remain future-fit with a focus on the customer.
Kaluba G Kaulung’ombe-Inampasa, Company Secretary
Zambia National Commercial Bank Plc
Zambia National Commercial Bank, commonly known as Zanaco, listed on the Lusaka Securities Exchange, serves retail customers, large corporations, agri-business and public sector clients.
The bank has evolved into a leading financial institution in Zambia. With the aid of Arise B.V., a leading African Investment Company, Zanaco benefits from technical assistance, international networks and best practices in various areas of banking.
To be Zambia’s leading, admired, preferred and innovative universal top transactional financial institution that provides the best in value solutions to clients while supporting financial inclusion.
To be top universal, top transactional financial institution for all segments, while delivering excellent financial services efficiently, using the right client service model, and supported by an empowered and motivated staff.